UFB Internet

Hamilton Path Outage


Primary path between Auckland<->Hamilton has been restored.
Normal routing and traffic paths have been returned to service.


Repair on-going.

Downer OSP team have installed new cable from point of damage and this end is being prepped for jointing. Excavations are still on-going at the southern end of damage to find buried duct line.

Next update on fibre repair status will be at 14:00.


Technicians are on site and working on locating the cable.
Once cable is located technicians will dig and expose in preparation for overlay.
Next update 10:00 or on status change


Technicians are now enroute to Riverview Road Huntly to locate the closest joint to the broken fibre.

No ETR provided - possibly overnight.


One NZ confirms fibre break
Location: 40km N of Hamilton and 70 KM S of Manukau
ETA to restore 4:00 pm


Primary path is still offline, and we are working with our provider to get this link restored.

While traffic is flowing, there is additional pressure on backup path and this may cause reduced capacity to selected services in the Hamilton Area.

We apologize if you have been affected and are working to restore this as soon as possible.

Probleem Geïdentificeerd

Customers in the Hamilton area may have experienced a brief disruption to service due to a faulty transport path AKL<->HLZ.
This path has now been removed from service and connectivity restored over a backup path.
This will remain under observation to ensure primary transport is stable before bringing back into service.
We apologise for any inconvenience.