Advisory - Circuit Authentication Changes


Over the next few weeks, we will be performing changes to our circuit authentication, accounting, and RADIUS back-end systems to support new functionality and as part of a suite of system and service upgrades.
While no customer impacted is anticipated or expected, there may be instances where your connection could take longer than normal to establish a connection to our network.
During this time, you may also see changes in your client portal to how your connection statistics are displayed, and depending on the stage of your connection being migrated to our new system, may show your connection as offline while it is in fact connected.
We will be processing connection migrations to this new authentication system in batches, and no impact is expected outside of a possible connection reauthentication. Furthermore, no changes are required to your router configuration.
Note: If you experience connectivity issues while these changes are being undertaken, please check your router configuration to ensure you do not have both a DHCP client and PPPoE dialer running simultaneously.

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